It can be cold up here, and the air is thin, but you sure can see a long way! Join us as we talk about anything and everything.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
American Cruelty continues in Iraq
No, all you need to do is look to YouTube, and you will find plenty of evidence, much of it created by America's finest. Instead of doing the work we sent them to do, some troops (not all, but enough to give the entire Army and all of America a black eye despite the good work of the many)... some troops get a real kick out inflicting pain on others.
Here's an example of what I mean. It's one of the more tame examples, but its just flat out mean. These are not the troops that I want representing me in Iraq.
We didn't have YouTube when the war in Iraq began. In the past, such "home videos" were written off as unique, unusual, not normal. In the past, this kind of stuff could be dismissed as just "kids" goofing round, after a hard day of being shot at.
But just surf around YouTube for awhile, and you will find plenty of material, created by America's Finest themselves, that may begin to change your mind. How often does this happen? 1% of the time? 50% of the time? We don't know, but we do know that it happens. It happens often enough that many, many hours of it appear on YouTube. We also know that some soldier's really enjoy taping their cruelty and sharing it with others, as though they are proud of what they are doing.
What the hell is George Bush really doing in Iraq?
A Christmas death. Merry Christmas.
Last year, post-Christmas, I wrote about a young man who committed suicide, leaving behind his wife and children, and parents that grieved at the funeral like I have never seen anyone grieve before. And its a fact that suicides peak around the Holidays, or so I recall. I just suicides, and the fact that the United States stigmatizes mental illness, and puts treatment out of reach for people who need it.
I think I told you earlier that outsourcing programming of my software product had allowed me to hire a marketing director. I hired him last August, and he's done well. Last Friday, we bid each other to "have a nice weekend," and promised to "see you on Monday." I hardly looked up as I waved, so intent was I on reading email.
Monday came around. As usual, I dropped the kids off at school and returned to the office. It was odd that he wasn't in yet, since he usually arrived about an hour before me.
Later that afternoon, I got word that he had died that morning, alone at home. I don't know what the cause was. Nothing he said or did indicated to me that he was unhealthy, or on the verge of killing himself. Perhaps it was a natural cause. I don't know, and I haven't received any answers.
The funeral is Friday. No one has called me (I learned about it from the newspaper today). I'm shocked, disappointed, angry, sad... How do I get the work computer back? Who do I give his pay check to? Who will come to claim his personal items in his office.
For now, his office door is shut. I'm sending flowers. Hope to learn more on Friday. True story.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Habeas Corpus, we hardly knew ye...
Please watch.
Thursday, December 07, 2006, sweet trust. Thoughts about global outsourcing, and the micro-ISV
Thanks for asking.
I started a software company about a year ago, after quiting my day job. Whether I'll remain here or not still remains to be seen, but I'm having a good time.
I'm a product manager by trade, and I honed my collaboration skills at the world's largest software company. When Microsoft began outsourcing development jobs to the third world, the light clicked on: I can do this, I thought. So that's what I'm doing: I conceive software, and then I work with brilliant people in Russia and Ukraine who can build my ideas. They benefit because I'm paying them a very fair wage relative to their economies, and I benefit because now I can a) find development talent and b) afford it. In my local small-town Minnesota, I couldn't hire a developer even if I offered twice the going rate. But I can hire a brilliant mind in Ukraine for about 1/5th the cost, and he/she can live a good life in Ukraine.
I've been reading some of the posts and rants on the internet about how terrible it is that jobs are being outsourced. I read how poor the software quality is when one hires a programmer from the 2nd or 3rd world. That's not been my experience: outsourcing has allowed me to try to build a company, and has allowed me to hire my first U.S. employee (a sales directory). And the quality of the code and products have been superb.
Sure, if I was the American programmer who just got laid off, I would be singing a different tune. But I'm not: I'm the idea guy who doesn't have the technical skills. In today's world, I would rather be me, than the coder.
But outsourcing at the micro level, such as I am doing, only works when there is trust. Trust is the key. T-R-U-S-T. And Trust is something that is earned consistently, over weeks, months, and years. The programmers I work with have come to trust me, and I them, so that this arrangement works well. They know that if they additional hours are required, I will pay them. I know that if additional hours are required, they will work them. When we had trouble with a recent bank wire transfer, my Ukrainian programmer didn't freak out, withhold code and stop working -- he simply said, "hey, could you check that transfer? I think it might be stuck." He knows that I have a long term interest in him, and he trusts that I will pay him.
We have become mutually dependent upon each other. This American, that Russian and that Ukrainian. All working together. Trusting each other. Benefiting from each other's expertise. It works well for us, and the less government interference, the better.
You may call it global outsourcing, but I call it global collaboration. You will see it more and more. The fact that it works so well at the micro-level is truly astounding.
While my local school district is up in arms about the loss of engineering jobs, and saying that we need to improve our student's math scores and that we need more scientists, I must disagree. From where I'm sitting, here's what I see: We don't need more scientists, mathematicians or computer programmers. Why? Because those skills are already a commodity. Trust me: you do NOT want to compete against my man Sergei. I don't care how good your coding skills are, you will never be a better value to me than Sergei is right now. If I was a computer programmer today, I would go back to college to earn an MBA, or an MFA.
What is NOT a commodity in America today, is creativity.
America needs fewer specialists, and more liberal arts majors with "minors" in technology and science. There are so many pieces of technology laying around today, that we do not need more of it. We need more people who can assemble the pieces in ways that solve real world problems.
America needs more creative people, because creativity is an edge that we (speaking as an American) absolutely can not do without. Forcing our kids to learn advanced math and science at the expense of arts and literature, will doom America down the road. Let the rest of the world become the scientists, and let creative Americans hire them.
Yes, America needs more creativity, and trust. Because creativity can not flourish where there is not trust.
Let me conclude by observing thus: the War in Iraq is a perfect example of technology brought to bear, without creativity. Let us hope that, in this new direction that voters have steered America in the 2006 election, America will again become a country that the rest of the world (and indeed, Americans) can trust.
What the world needs now, is....
America! What a country! I love it, and I love that Americans cared enough about the future of their country to cast off George Bush's fear-mongering by standing up for the values of freedom and democracy. Americans voted for a democratic America, not a police-state America. God Bless America, and the entire World of which we are part of.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sexual Abstinence
Today, AllProDad had a tip for speaking with you daughter about sexual abstinence. When your daughter's friends are all clamoring for her to give up her virginity, what are some good reasons to keep it? Read about it here
Although my daughter is just six, its frightening how much she knows, and how much she's exposed to just by playing on the elementary school playground. Although the time for this discussion with her may not be today, I'm convinced the day it going to be here much sooner and faster than I ever imagined.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Nancy Pelosi's promise: "The Dems will not Disappoint."
Nancy Pelosi wants to beheld accountable by the American people. Let us grant her wish. Here are promises that Pelosi made today on behalf of the next Congress:
• Make America safer by implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 commission.
• Make our economy fairer by raising the minimum wage and ending taxpayer subsidies for sending jobs overseas.
• Make college more affordable by cutting the interest rates on student loans.
• Improve healthcare by allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices and promoting stem-cell research.
• Achieve energy independence within 10 years by investing America's energy dollars in the Midwest instead of the Middle East.
• Guarantee a dignified retirement by improving Medicare, protecting Social Security, and making it easier to save for retirement.
If Pelosi and the next Congress can deliver on these promises, then brace yourself for a "Permanent Democratic Majority."
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Moderate Liberals are the New King Makers. Will The Democrats Remember This?
"This election is not about big ideas.
I repeat:
This election NOT about big ideas.
It's about winning. Leave your big ideas at the door if you want to win.
I believe Independents can sway this election, and they want to vote democratic.
But if you want us, you need check your extreme left wing at the door. "
Now that this advice has proved a truism, and now that Independent voters have almost single handedly handed Washington, DC to the Democrats, it's time to revist that advice.
The most important piece of advice which still remains true is, "check your extreme left wing at the door." Moderate liberals, such as myself, need to be the new "special interest group" that the Democratic party panders to. That is, if they want to be re-elected in 2008.
Do not pursue an overly agressive agenda filled with expensive big programs.
Do not cut and run from Iraq (chart us an intelligent course out, but don't leave those poor people hanging at the end of a rope for the blunders of the Bush administration).
Do not seek "revenge" on the Republicans.
Beware of K street.
Do not forget that you were handed power by a razor thin margin.
In other words, DO NOT LET DOWN THE MODERATE LIBERALS. We are the king makers and the king breakers
Do create an equal legal structure for gay unions, but please don't call it "marriage."
Push ahead with minimum wage increases
Help America get its debt under control
Restore a responsible social safety net
Invest in our children
Find a way to provide health insurance for everyone
Push for hearings into Bush's illegal activities (not a witch hunt, but true congressional oversite).
Do restore habias corpus
Do restore respect to Congress: your actions speak much louder than your words.
Do find us an intelligent solution to the Iraq debacle
Do keep America safe from the terrorists -- the threat is real. Although we've lost faith in Bush's direction, take the threat of terrorism seriously
Do restore America's reputation in the world, and reach out to offended allies such as Canada, France and Germany
If you heed this advice, Moderate Liberals will send you back to Washington in 2008. Do not forsake us, your new centrist constituency, for your extreme left wing. For if you do, we'll send you packing in two years.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Oooh! Republicans are pissed!
In O'Reilly's black and white world, Osama Bin Laden has won.
Neo-cons can't conceive that there may be another way to approach the war in Iraq. They can't believe that the American people are putting American values ahead of exporting global hatred.
Jim Webb Wins Virginia. Dems take the Senate from Republicans
We're calling the Virginia Senate race for Jim "the spider" Webb.
With this victory, The Democrats now control both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate! We at the Moderate Liberal couldn't be happier.
Some talk about a recount, but no matter. George Allen has no chance of overcoming Webb's 8,000 vote lead.
Congratulations, Senator Webb!! Hasta la vista, Mr. Allen.
Tester official
It's going to be dang cool to have an Organic farmer in the U.S. Senate! Way to go, Montana!
"You're doin' a heckuva job, Rummy!" Even Bush has now had enough of Rumsfeld. Is Rove next?
Rumsfeld to resign as Secretary of Defense
The good news just keeps on coming for America. Just a week after Bush strongly expressed his complete, total, undying, everlasting support for Donald Rumsfeld, he decided to show Rummy how to dance the Texas two-step.
Could it be that, a day after the election that swept Republicans out of control in the House and (we expect) the Senate, that W. has finally heard what the 'mericun people had to say?
If Bush expects to accomplish anything during the next two years, he must move to the center. Firing Neo-con Rumsfeld is, I hope, the beginning of a trend.
Let's have Karl Rove's head on a plate tomorrow, Mr. Bush!!
Tester Wins Montana
The polling mistake which double counted Yellowstone County votes will not affect the overall results of the election.
Tester wins!
Congratulations, Senator Tester.
Now all eyes are on Virginia.
Election Results Reflect American Sentiment. [or.. Glenn Beck is an idiot.]
What a blind stooge Beck is. Even when the American people speak very loudly and very clearly, conservatives still don't hear what we're saying.
If you want to have some fun today tune into national liberal radio show host Ed Shultz, at 2 pm cst. Click here to find a rare liberal radio station near you. Ed called this election like no other pundit. He's entitled to a golden gloat award.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Republican Party
Just like the American people have been rebuffed by a President who thinks he knows better than the people. The President's obstinance and complete disregard for running roughshod over the hard-fought rights of the American people have led to today's political bloodbath.
Or least I hope it will be a bloodbath for the Republican Party. As I write this, polls are open, and Republicans are "gettin' out thar vote." At least three states have already reported "irregularities" and "failures" with their electronic voting equipment.
But today I cast my vote against the corrupt Republican party with a purpose and conviction that I have never felt before. I didn't just want to vote. I didn't just feel an obligation to vote. I NEEDED to vote: against the direction the country is headed, against holding Americans without charge, against corruption and Republican sex scandals, against the fleecing of the American public by Bush's big-oil buddies, against the blundering that made the Katrina disaster a national travesty, against curtailing America's privacy rights, against secret European prisions, against torture, against the idiocy of the Iraq war, against warrantless eavesdropping, against Halliburton's corrupt contracts, against unchecked deficit spending, against the parade of sex scandals and Republican hypocracy, against Bush's lies. Against Bush.
George Bush would have done well that sunny day to greet Mr. Borat, and to receive Borat's "Cultural Learnings." It may have been enlightening to the President.
Unlike Bush, Borat seeks to know the American people, and seeks to share his "Cultural Learnings" with others. Unlike Bush, Borat wants to know what people are thinking.
But then again, Bush hasn't much cared about what anybody is thinking, has he?
Maybe he will today.
Get yer anti-Republican ass out to the polls and vote, now!!
Keywords: Vote: Election:Bush: Republican:Politics:Democrats:Borat:Screw Bush:vote
Friday, November 03, 2006
3 More Soliders Dead in Iraq
That brings the total for the month of November to 5
Last month, we lost 105 citizen soldliers. That means that just last month, 105 of our neighbors, children, husbands, brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors fathers... were killed fighting a vanity war for the glory of el Presidente Bush.
Let's not forget what this election is about.
It's about Republican blunders in executing this war.
We're in too deep to cut-and-run, as the President would say. And if the democrats are elected, cutting-and-running is not an option. But what is an option is to have some congressional oversight of the President. We will NEVER have congressional oversight of a republican president with a republican congress.
And God help us -- this war needs some oversight.
Dutcher blunders for 4 minutes in Minnesota. Pawlenty blundered for four years.
If politics proves anything, its that people make mistakes. Sure, Hatch's running mate made a huge blunder, that could cost him votes in a very tight election.
But then again, maybe not. Is E-85 really the defining issue in Minnesota's gubernatorial campaign? And does it really carry the same weight as if Mike Hatch had said it himself?
I think not. Again, Minnesota voters are not given the credit that they deserve. As a highly engaged and educated voting populace, with a very strong independent streak, they will see past this small bump.
During the past four years, we've seen Minnesota suffer through 4-years of Pawlenty cuts to education and services, cuts to local government aid that has forced up my property taxes. I have "fees" coming out my ears, just beause Pawlenty doesn't want to call them taxes. Fees on professional licenses, fees for "filing" just about everything.
Yes, Mike Hatch's running mate made one hell of a high profile blunder, but it was a very small blunder compared to 4-more-years of Pawlenty's tax shell game.
I for one will not be distracted. As blunders go, it's not that big of a deal. It's one very small issue in a very large campaign.
As an independent voter, I see through Pawlenty's attempts to shift the spot light away from his 4-years of slash-and-burn tax cuts. I would rather take a chance on a ticket that needs a little education on E-85 (lobbiests and rural lawmakers will certainly take care of that), than to continue on with Pawlenty's dismantling of Minnesota's world-class educational system.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Kerry's gaffe now ancient history. But can he shutup for a week?
To his credit, John Kerry apologized to the troops today. This will neuter the Republican attack for Independent voters, but no matter -- Kerry's comment will serve to mobilize the Republican base, which means that Democrats will need to work that much harder over the next week to turn out that many more Democratic voters.
Senator Kerry -- help your party and America. For just one week, please keep your big ego under control and your big flap shut.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Iraqi's Need to Stand Up? Shift the blame to where it belongs.
"Stand up, Iraqi's!"
Of course, such talk is little more than standup comedy when it comes out of the mouth of U.S. politicians of either party. Such talk belongs on a stage in Second City when proffered as part of a serious political debate.
How dare they blame the Iraqi government for the blantant failures of U.S. policy.
Afterall, it wasn't the Iraqi's who plummetted their own country into anarchy by removing the figure head dictator.
It wasn't the Iraqi government who disbanded the Iraqi military.
It wasn't the Iraqi people who drove the literate baathists (read, Iraqi civil servant class) underground, leaving a huge administrative hole for the new government to try and fill.
Many times more newly recruited Iraqi police and Iraqi Army troops have been killed than U.S. soldiers. In fact, 300 Iraqi soliders have died just this month, as opposed to 90 U.S. soldiers, according to WSJ.
To suggest that the Iraqi's simply needs to "Stand up" and all of our problems would be solved, may sound great in a TV soundbite. But it discourages the Iraqi people by blaming the Iraqi Government for what's going on.
Such talk attempts to shift the blame for blatant mis-execution of the Iraq War away from where it belongs, which is on the stand-up comedians and liars posing as politicians in Washington, DC.
The Iraqi's are standing up. But the Americans who are making all of the decisions in this "war on terror," who continue to deny that Iraq is engaged in a civil war, have blundered along every inch of the way.
Excuse the Iraqis if the want to sidestep such incompetence.
Monday, October 23, 2006
I ran over a cat today. Or was it a dog?
It was my turn to take the kids to school. The oldest is now in second grade, and the middle child in Kindergarten. Because of Republican cuts to education in Minnesota, my school district had to cut back on bus service, and so I am in a car pool with other parents who have to drive their kid school (but that's another blog). Today, though, it was just me and my kids.
At 7:50 in the morning, its still quite dark here in Minnesota. I was driving down 11th street, dutifully keeping an eye on the car in front of me, when I heard something bouncing beneath the car. It sounded like it might have been a small cardboard box. I had seen nothing, and thought nothing of it, and so I kept driving.
"Dad!," said the oldest who was on the left side of the car. "You just hit a cat!"
The thought was too terrible to contemplate. "No," I said. "It was just a piece of cardboard."
"No Dad! I saw it darting across the street, and then you hit it!"
Then the kindergartner, who was sitting on the right side of the car, said, "Dad, I think it was a dog! I saw it bounce out!"
So now what do I do?
Do I swing around the block to check on the damage, making the kids late for school? And what if the dog or cat was mortally wounded, bloodied with entrails spilling out. Do I scoop up the injured animal and lay it in the car, and rush all over town looking for a vet that is open at this hour? What if the injured animal is still mobile, and freaks out in my car? What would the kids think, seeing all this? Or what if the animal was completely dead? What do I do with it? Should I go door to door in the neighborhood at 8 am with my kids, inquiring about the owner of the animal?
Although the actions one takes if you hit a person are clear to me, there seemed to be no good options after hiting an animal. Exactly what should one do? Call an ambulance?
I wondered what I would want the offending driver to do if it had been my cat (or dog). I guess I'd like to know that the person stopped. It would comfort me to know that my pet didn't suffer, that it was an accident and not intentional.
But then I wondered to myself, do I have the right to insist that others behave responsibly when I myself was irresponsible with my pet's life by allowing it to run wild in the city?
In the split seconds that it took to discuss with my kids what had happened, we crossed the railroad tracks. Mercifully the crossing gates dropped behind us, and a horn was heard from a slow moving train. I was cut off from my problem, at least for ten minutes or so. Traffic was flowing on the one way, and returning to the scene was no longer a practical option.
In my fatherly wisdom, I ruled that the responsible thing would be to take the kids to school, and try to distract them from the realworld pain of am injured (or dead) animal.
"Nah," I said. "I'm sure it was a box. I think I saw a box on the road."
And I kept on driving with a sick feeling deep in my stomach.
Friday, October 20, 2006
George W. Bush Flashback
Is Mark Foley Redeemed? The Victimizer as Victim.
And so begins the redemption of Mark Foley, or more accurately, the Republican Party. No doubt that House leadership was aware of Foley's personal demons, and a loving, caring Hastert wanted to give Foley every opportunity to fight off the terrible demons of his childhood. How sad they were when he let them down.
The lesson we can gather from this announcement today is that a) if you were molested as a child, it provides you license to molest others in your old age, and b) if you were molested as a child, you can't be held responsible for your actions because society has let you down.
Make no mistake of my intentions. I am not making light of pedophiles or children that have been victimized. On the contrary, as the father of three children I strongly believe pedophiles should receive the most extreme (and painful) punishments that the Spanish inquisition can devise.
But we can't turn our back on the children (i/e the Capitol Hill pages) who were victimized by Foley, simply because he is a victim himself. While there certainly may be a cause-and-effect cycle of violence that is perpetuated by being victimized, pedophiles like Mark Foley must be held accountable.
The fact that Mark Foley was sadly a victim of molestation himself is regrettable and repugnant, but the fact in no way redeems Mark Foley, nor the Republican Party for covering up his disgusting behavior.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
From Kazakhstan, to Borat, with Love
A Borat movie will be released soon, but don't plan on seeing it in Kazakhstan. "We consider this movie offensive, a complete lie and nonsense," Ruslan Sultanov told Reuters. Sultanov is the distribution manager for Otau, the largest cinema chain in Kazakhstan.
"It's a shame that some Americans will probably believe what they see there," he added.
You may be right, Mr. Sultanov. I wish you could guarantee me, though, that that Kazaks won't watch the Hollywide tripe that you show in your theaters and not come away thinking worse about Americans.
Of all of the injustices that have ever been done to the American reputation and false depictions of the American people, I would credit most of it to Hollywood. Wouldn't it be great if the entire cinematic world could only produce and distribute PBS-style documentaries? Then we would all just have truthful insight into each others cultures.
Hollywood is not America. It has its own lifestyle, its own royalty, its own culture. The rest of America, just like the rest of the world, can count on being subjected to a regular onslaught of offensive falsehoods, lies, half-truths, and rewritten histories.
I hate Hollywood, what it stands for, how it degrades and dehumanizes us all, how they are so damn self-congratulatory, how full of themselves they are. With few notable exception, you can count on just about every Hollywood story being set either in New York (yawn) or Los Angeles (snooze). If you live in the midwest or deep south, any depictions of your local will involve some enlightened outsider (usually from NY or LA) sweeping into a small town to rescue a beautiful maiden from a life of small town drudgery. Either that, or some beautiful people (usually from NY or LA) being terrorized in a small town or other rural location by a psychotic rube.
So Mr. Sultanov, don't worry about Borat. You're in good company.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Bush on Energy: keep us addicted to oil for another hundred years
It bears reading, because it's incredibly naive. Incredibly too little. It shows just how little grasp this puppet of the oil industry really has on the issue.
Here he is, speaking at a conference about renewable energy. And as much as I agree with Bush that America is "addicted to oil" and as much as I want to believe that he is on board with renewable energy, his comments are so.... cliche. So obvious. So behind whats going on.
If you are the President of the United States addressing leaders in the field of Renewable Energy, don't you think you should have something to say? Don't you think comments like those I'm about to qoute are just a little too benath the people to whom you are addressing:
"You can't grow your economy without energy."
we got to change our habits if we want to remain the economic leader of the world
"I think it is interesting that when we -- we got an energy conference going on here."
"We've got a really strong economy, and in order to make sure it's strong tomorrow we need to make sure we work on how we use energy."
Energy is -- look, let me just put it bluntly: We're too dependent on oil.
"We need to diversify away from oil for economic reasons."
"We live in a global world."
"We get oil from some countries who don't particularly care for us. They don't like what we stand for."
"Reliance upon oil and hydrocarbons has created some challenges when it comes to the environment."
Overall, his speech was long on future potential, short on immediate action. That's right Mr. Bush. Just keep pushing it out into the future.
When Bush joked...
"Some day, some -- the 56th President will be standing up here saying, I appreciate the fact that there was some pioneers back in America in those days; I can't spent too much time because I've got to go get my limousine filled up by hydrogen -- (laughter) -- but I appreciate the fact that the solar panels are working so you can see me."
...I don't think he was kidding. I think that's his goal. To pay a little lip service to renewable energy right before the election, but secretly he hopes to keep us "addicted to oil" for at least another hundred years.
Sad Day for America. Bush rolls back fundamental, hard fought American rights in his foreverlasting War on Terror
Essentially, this law suspends Habeas Corpus. Ironically, this occurs 135 years to the day that the last President U.S. Grant, suspended Habeas Corpus.
This legislation now permits President Bush or Donald Rumsfeld to declare anyone — US citizen or not — an enemy combatant, lock them up and throw away the key without a chance to prove their innocence in a court of law. Every thing the Founding Fathers fought to free themselves of from the British Empire was washed away with the stroke of a pen, idefinitely, with no sunset provision, all under the premise of a foreverlasting War on Terror.
You may be the biggest George W. supporter on earth. You may think that President will only use this amazing power to "pertekt Americuns." But what about the next President? Can you be so certain that the American democracy is so fool proof that this is a good thing for you, your children, and your grand children?
Of course, you'll never know, because there is no accountability. No checks and balances built in.
With George Bush, America embarked on climbing a slippery slope. With this bill, Bush rolls back hard-won American rights and we have lost our footing. We're now skidding on our asses down the slope.
When Bush was sworn into office, he promised to uphold the constitution of the United States. He has not done this. While he may be "pertekt'in Americuns," he is not protecting their rights.
Pray for the judiciary, that they may be enlightened and roll back this horrible law that shows the world, once again, that George Bush's America is not to be trusted nor taken seriously on matters of civil rights.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Advice to Mark Kennedy in Minnesota Senate Election Campaign
That's good news for Kennedy.
The national money coupled with national advice to run a negative campaign has all but done in Mark Kennedy's campaign. I've said it before --- this kind of politicking plays horribly in Minnesota, and Minnesotans take it out on the offender. It just doesn't work here. This is the state, after all, that that has 4 "major" political parties. The state that elected Jesse Ventura governor. The state where MPR will actually give state-wide airtime to minor candidates. The state where people turn out to vote.
The national republican strategists probably had all kinds of studies culled from races elsewhere that suggested Kennedy should run a negative campaign. It probably should have worked, and probably would have worked if this were not Minnesota.
Mark, you're gonna lose this race. But I'll do you huge favor and tell you how you can at least pull a little closer in the next couple of weeks.
First, stop the attack ads now. They're killing you, buddy!
Second, replace attack ads with ads that actually address the issues. I honestly don't know what you standfor.
Third, stop speaking in toungues. No more of that shit that I heard on TV on Sunday. You're not a democrat, so stop trying to be one. Just tell us openly, honestly what you stand for. Spend less time talking about Amy, and more time talking about MARK!
Fourth, do not listen to the national strategists. Just stop. They are so completley out of touch with America, that they cannot advise you credibly on your Minnesota strategy.
Good luck, Mark. You're gonna need it.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Why Even Republicans will Dump the Republican Party in this Election
Although I'm normally an Independent voter, Republican radicalism has pushed me solidly into the Dem camp this election. Whether I stay here or not depends on the Dems. Will they truly become the party of fiscal responsibility? Will they truly safeguard American's rights to privacy? Will they truly fund our schools and keep our kids safe? Will they truly plot us a course out of Iraq that doesn't leave the Iraqi people hanging at the end of a rope?
What's clear to me this election is that staying the course is not an option.
Every time I hear a Republican talk about "cutting taxes," I laugh. They really continue to think that they can bribe me with my own money. They truly think we are idiots.
I want to cut taxes as much as the next person, but not on the backs of my children. Not at the expense of my country. We've borrowed enough from the future. Our national debt spiraled out of control years ago, and is now $8.5 TRILLION freakin' dollars. America can't stand another two years of a Republican controlled congress and their stupid "tax cuts."
Read the Sun's editorial and tell me what you think. I say they're right on.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Mark Kennedy - "Minnesota Mean". Kennedy is "Dr. Jekyl" Candidate.
That's why its so baffling to see Senetorial candidate Mark Kennedy's mean spirited ads. Sure, mean ads may be statistically more effective than actually speaking to the issues. Yet, in Minnesota, Mark Kennedy should expect a backlash.
Kennedy comes across as a jerk. By speaking down to them in ridiculously short soundbytes, Kennedy must think that Minnesotan's are stupid. Such ads may work in Wisconsin, but here in Minnesnowta, I'll have none of it. If Senior citizens aren't upset about the latest insulting "park bench" ads, they certainly should be. Using a senior proxy to deliver Kennedy's lies is just too much.
There was a time that Mark Kennedy's ads were amusing and interesting. His first ads introduced us to him in a very color, clever and fun way. For Kennedy to go from "nice guy" to "huge jerk" in about 10 seconds was just too much. By running the mean-spirited anti-Amy ads right next to the nice-guy ads starring members of his family, Kennedy comes across as two-faced, unpredictable. Kennedy has become a"Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde" candidate.
Kennedy has yet to speak to the issues that are important to Minnesotans, instead preferring to paint Amy Klobuchar (a very successful public prosecuting attorney) as a criminal lover and a senior-citizen hater. This is absolutely ludicrous, and is contemptuous of, and insulting to Minnesotans.
Mark Kennedy, you should be ashamed.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
New Allegations of Abuse at Gitmo
"The Pentagon says it is fully cooperating with a brand new investigation into allegations of prisoner abuse at Guantanamo Bay.
"The allegations come from a Marine Corps sergeant, 23-year-old Heather Cerveny, who spent a week at the base in late September as a legal aide to a military lawyer representing detainees."
I won't lay any more gruesome details on you than this. You'll undoubtedly hear more about it in the days ahead.George W. Bush is reducing America to a hypocritical police state. No wonder America has absolutely no credibility in the world today, and no wonder that Bush increasingly has no credibility with Americans. You simply can not trust a word that this administration says.
Is this really the America you want to give to your children? An America that's more evil than Ronald Reagan's "Evil Empire?" An America that talks of peace and freedom, and than bastardizes those values by torturing, imprisoning without trials, shuffling prisoners off to secret prisons, not allowing them to contact their families, exporting prisoners for torture, getting our soliders involved in a civil war...
Lets use this election to put America on a different course. Bush must be stopped.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
National Debt: $8.5 Trillion and counting
I know hardly anyone is paying attention to the debt, so I'll beat this dead horse. One year later under majority Republican rule, the debt continues to careen out of control, growing more than $500 Billion.
How much longer will the flow of foreign capital continue to support our insatiable spending spree? Without it, America's ability to continue to influence global affairs will be greatly diminished.
Mr. Bush, stop spending my children's future!
SearchAtHand removal, part ii.
Finally, one of the "big boy" anti-virus companies has stepped up to address this threat, months after I first contracted searchathand.
XoftSpy by Parreto Logic will now remove a SearchAtHand infection. I just received an email verification of this from their support dept. You can download it here.
Google Page Rank Heaven. PR=0 to PR=5 in 1 week.
With some effort, I've managed to get my site listed in the Google front page for the terms that covet. Yet, for some reason, I could not get my Page Rank (or PR) to budge from zero. Zip. Nada. Zilch. You get the idea.
It just wouldn't move. No matter how much I improved the site, no matter how much I updated it. Fearing that some of the sites I was linking to were in a "bad neighborhood," I even went through all of the links in the site and used the new rel="no follow" tag. Apparently that's supposed to tell the Googlebot not to follow the link and therefore, not to penalize me for where it leads to.
Still, PR was zero.
"Screw it," I said. I was tired of worrying about PR. Google can stuff themselves.
Last week I went through my website and was updating the product blog, when I noticed something that I had not noticed before: there were thousands of comments to my blog entries. Literally, thousands.
I decided to clean up the comment spam, but there was so much of it, and the tools in b2Evolution were so poor (or at least my knowledge of it was so poor) that I just decided to nuke the entire blog and start over.
I manually copied a few of my favorite entries, reconfigured the blogging software to never allow comments, and pasted in my entries.
Then I went to out Google and summoned a bot to my site.
Now in less than a week, after nearly a year of being online, my PR has jumped from zero to five.
I know... That and a dollar will buy me a sticky French Vanilla capucino at my local gas station. But I just thought you'd like to know, in case you might be having the same problem.
Friday, September 29, 2006
E85/Ethanol: What do we do now?
Distribution of E85 has been hampered because only a small fraction of the nation's gas stations sell the mainstay E85 fuel (85% ethanol; 15% gasoline). The number has been slowly rising, but today, only 1,000 out of 170,000 gas stations stock E85, according to the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition.
Additionally, there is not enough E85 fuel to meet the demand even if E85 were to be widely available.
A better approach would be to blend Ethanol into gasoline, say E15 or E20. Such mixtures would still help cut emissions, could be run in virtually any automobile (not just E85-capable engines), and would generate an immediate market that would boost production of the fuel. No longer would distribution be holding back the production of E85. Such a blending would consume all of the presently available Ethanol supply.
If Mr. Bush is serious, then a national law requiring E15 or E20 blended gasoline would get the ball rolling immediately for the Ethanol industry.
Additionally, we need to make sure that the production of Ethanol does not deplete our valuable fresh water sources, such as the dwindling Ogalala aquifer that runs through the central U.S. plains. Production of E85 needs to move forward using technologies and methods that, unlike corn, do not consume tremendous amounts of fresh water.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bush has it wrong - first duty is to the Constitution
He said today that his most important duty is to "protect Americans."
His most important duty is to protect and uphold the constitution of the United States of America.
Make no doubt about it -- this year's election is absolutely crucial to the moral compass of America, and to the viability of the U.S. constitution.
Don't buy into Bush's lies: we do not have to turn America into a police state, nor a state that exports torture to other countries.
To stand-up for the constitution, and core-American values is not a vote for a weak America, as El Presidente would have you believe. Standing up against the President's relentless assault on the Constitution is brave, patriotic thing to do. To standup to Bush's power-grab is to fight for an America that is once again both feared, AND respected.
I am not willing to trade the freedoms of the U.S. Constitution for the false sense of security being offered by George W. Neither should you.
God help us if this guy appoints another Supreme Court Justice.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Oil Mafia Lowers Gas Prices in Time For Election, Trying to Help Republicans
For now, the U.S. oil mafia apparently has reaped enough profit. Apparently, they think they've squeezed just about all the blood they can out of the American turnip for the moment.
After posting incredible record quarterly profits, pump prices are coming down all across America.
Just in time for the elections. Gee, what a coincidence!
It's also perfect timing to try and stave off investments that are being made in alternative fuels and high mileage vehicles.
Don't be fooled (or fueled) by the oil mafia, who have full access to the White House and who help this administration set "energy policy" behind closed doors, and who want to flood the pristine Alaska wilderness with more leaky pipelines!
As soon as the elections are over, expect the oil companies to introduce you to $4 gas.
Mark Kennedy goes negative
Since then, Mark Kennedy has become less likeable. Mark Kennedy has gone negative.
In his TV advertising, we now see "fuzzy" pictures of Amy K., suggesting that she changes her positions on the issues regularly. On radio, a "humorous" Kennedy ad uses a phony phone call to Amy K's campaign headquartes, where the caller must navigate a confusing array of political positions.
As likeable as Mark Kennedy was in his introductory ads, he is quickly revealing his true negative nature. Apparently Mark isn't likeable enough, and strategists have told him that he needs to go negative.
I love the radio ad where it says that Amy is against big oil raping the American public with high gas prices, but that Amy apparently at one time or another owned some shares in a mutual fund that owned shares of an oil company. Big deal -- do you know all of the 100's of stocks that you own right now in your 401K mutual funds?
These negative ads by Mark Kennedy are good news for Amy K., because Mark is coming across as a big jerk, far from the likeable guy that we originally saw.
Keep it up, Mark!
I'm Scott, and I approve this message.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Republicans Covering Their Asses, In Case They Lose Election
According to Senator Leahy, the bill would "...immunize officials who have violated federal law by authorizing such illegal activities."
President Bush broke the law, and courts are starting to agree. Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter once said the program was illegal "on its face." But he has now caved to pressure from Vice President Cheney, and introduced legislation that marks a new low: the new bill justifies everything the president did illegally. Worse, it makes it legal to wiretap Americans, in secret, without warrants or oversight, whenever the administration wants to.
So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up. has started a opposing the Republican move to pardon President Bush for breaking the law?
Many legal experts agree that the president's program to wiretap Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism violates the law. President Bush already has the authority to wiretap suspected terrorists—and we support that. In fact, his administration can tap anyone it likes as long as it gets an OK from a court a few days later.
Congress should be trying to hold him accountable—that's their job. Instead, some Republicans are trying to let President Bush off the hook completely. In fact, the legislation would give the president even more unchecked power.
It's unbelievable what the Republican Party will try to justify in the name of "Fighting Terrorism." They try to paint people who want to preserve Americans hard earned civil rights as "with the terrorists."
If America descends into a dictatorship, this is EXACTLY how it will happen. Beware of politicians who ask you to surrender your rights to them, in return for "security."
It blows my mind, because I once called myself a Republican. But now, clearly, the Republican Party is more concerned about covering it's ass and protecting its criminal leaders than it is in protecting the rights of Americans.
Democrats, I'm going to vote for you this year. But DO NOT let us down!!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Marriage can be a great, but it takes work.
Along the way I've seen friends divorce, and I've seen the toll its taken on them personally, their wife and kids.
Each day, I resolve to do whatever I can to keep my marriage strong. That means taking things one day at a time. Strategies that I have specifically used during the past decade that I think have helped include:
Not going to bed angry. Being willing to forgive and forget, even though I might be right. Avoiding temptation. Going to church together. Doing my part around the house (or whatever it takes). Hanging out with other couples with healthy marriages. Putting the toilet lid down (no kidding! Making time for each other, and getting out together for some fun. Taking all the kids once in a while so she can have some time to decompress or shop. Showing her my appreciation when she's not expecting it. If life should be better, it should be better for all of us, not just one of us.
I'm lucky that I met a great woman. She's a terrific mother, earns a good income, works hard, is faithful and reliable. I love her very much, and I want to keep her happy.
This hasn't been easy, though. It's truly something that I work at every day. It's hard work, but the rewards are worth it.
I can't say that something might not happen out of the blue, or that I'll fail somewhere along the way. Maybe we won't be married ten years hence. But today, I'm making plans for our future. I visualize being with her for the rest of my live. I see us taking fun vacations, saving for retirement, moving into a new house some day. Today we love each other, and today I'll work to make this marriage a relationship she'll value and want to continue in.
I love being married to my wife, and I'm glad that my kids have both of their parents meddling in their lives.
If marriage isn't working for you, I'm sorry. I hope it works out. I don't know what I can really say to you. Just know that it can be wonderful.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Real Americans are now standing up to the Bush Administration's "immoral" tactics
Colin Powell has turned on the Bush Administration, and joined the revolting Republicans. Powell wrote, "The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk."
Powell is wrong.
The world is not BEGINNING to doubt America's morality. It has now for years.
Thank God that at least a few brave Republicans love America so much, that they will incur the rath of this corrupt political party, and would seek to distance themselves from the illegal policies of a Presidential Administration seemingly bent on creating an a police state dictatorship.
Screw the terrorists. I don't care if they ever see the light of day. But I insist that the rule of law prevail.
Islamists pick on the Pope, Refuse Dialog
He's taking a beating today from Islamists who say he is "racist" and "fanning hatred." The dispute stems from his speech earlier today, in which he quoted a Byzantine Emperor who said, "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
UPI reported that Benedict said "I quote" twice to stress the words were not his and added that violence was "incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul".
Rather than using the microphone the Pope gave them to join him in a dialge and to deplore the violence of Islamic extremists, the usual spokesmen for Islam simply rattled off the same old tired garbage about how misunderstood poor ol' Mohammad is.
Once again extremist Islam is revealed as a violent, enraged, obsolete and uncivilized perversion of this great religeon, while moderates reform adherents sit quietly on their hands, perhaps out of fear.
Even with 100 more years of Oil, Saudis are no friend of America.
What he didn't say was that the continuation of the oil economy is in the sole best interests of the oil barons. They don't seem to get it --- from my perspective, the problem is not concerns with the amount of oil, but a) oil is a dirty, filthy technology that pollutes our environment, and b) we're fighting wars over oil. Oh, and C) how much longer is the cruel, corrupt Saudi Regime going to last, and what happens then?
America needs energy independence. We once declared our freedom from England, it's now time to declare our independence from Saudi Arabia. Why should we continue to funnel TRILLIONS of dollars to the Saudi Royal Family, while they continue to promote Wahabbism, which is bent on America's destruction?
Only the Saudi's, George Bush and his right-wing extremist followers haven't figured out that the Oil Economy is an evil force all around, and we must for the sake of the world, derive our energy from clean, renewable resources that are under our control.
Only then will America be free from the tyrranny and terror, and environmental degradation that the Oil Barons seem to relish inflicting on us.
"Hey Don't worry about Oil, America! There's lots of it!!" The Saudi's are truly out of touch with the American people.
Hopefully the Japanese will help liberate America. They're not an oil producing nation, so what the heck do they care if they sell electric cars or hybrids or fuel cells --- they don't care. The Japanese automakers "get" America in ways that American automakers have never understood. The Japanese just want to give American's what they want.
And right now, more and more Americans want a country that's free from oil.
Screw the Saudi's. They are no friends of America.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Is Google Lying to Adwords Advertisers to get them to raise their bids?
If you are an Adwords advertiser, has this ever happened to you? You log in are presented with a message like this:
"xx keyword(s) are currently inactive for search. These keywords are marked in the Status column of the Keywords tab below. Improve their quality through optimization, delete them, or raise the keywords' maximum CPCs to the minimum bids indicated. (Raising the bids to at least the minimum will activate the keywords.) "
This presumably happens if Google decides if your ad does not have a high enough "Quality Score." Google says that Quality Score, "is the basis for measuring the quality of your keyword and determining your minimum bid. Quality Score is determined by your keyword's clickthrough rate (CTR) on Google, relevance of your ad text, historical keyword performance on Google, the quality of your ad's landing page, and other relevancy factors."
What has me suspicious and raised my ire is that I feel I've caught Google with its hand in my pocket. I have a trademark on the name for one of my software products. It's a unique name. Google has determined in its obtuse wisdom that the ad for my product apparently isn't relevent enough. How could the trademark for my product not be a relevent search term for it? Perhaps it doesn't get a ton of search, but it gets some, certainly enough to be "relevant" in my mind.
I'm probably the smallest of Adword advertisers. I only spend about $1,200 per month. But I have to express just how disappointed I am in Google. During the past 18 months, my cost per click has gone up largely because of Google's strong arming me in this manner. Meanwhile, mycost per customer seems to be going up as well. I am paying more for a lower quality click. I attribute this directly to Google's doing evil. When THEY decide what is relevant to my business instead of ME, it costs me money.
Wake up Google. You're the king of the hill for the moment, but my little budget will be flowing into a different river the first chance I get. You are NOT building good will and loyalty by wringing more blood out of this turnip. I promise you, it will catch up with you eventually. I have a long memory.
I think its fitting that I use Google's own Blogger to skewer this practice, and that I've also decided to implement Yahoo Ads in this Blog. I don't make much money at all with Yahoo ads here, but I consider it a protest against Google's evil pricing tactics.
Class Action Lawsuit, anyone?
Friday, August 25, 2006
Pluto Pluto Pluto: The New Way to Remember the 8 planets, with a Nod to Pluto
(to Pluto)
Lots of fun is being had today with the declassification of Pluto to a "dwarf planet." Astronomers have long berrated by son's favorite planet, because it doesn't fit in. It's too small. It's in a weird orbit.
There may be too many other objects like it. It's in an unorthodox relationship with its moon.
Though this is being hailed a triumph of science over sentiment, of logic over society, is it really?
Or is it just a bunch of jelaous elite men, once again, defining what and whom is acceptable.
My appologies to the Little People, who will probably henceforth need to contend with even more biggotted jokes about being from Pluto. I can hear it now: "hey, look a Dwarf! He must be from the Dwarf Planet! Hahaha."
I thought it was cool when scientists originally proposed to be more inclusive. They were going to expand the solar system to include Ceres, Charon and Xena as planets. Instead, the exclusivists prevailed. Rather than inclusive solar system, we now have one that is exclusive.
Pluto should be a planet, and always will be to many of us. The way I see it, whether you're a Big Planet or a Dwarf Planet, this solar system is certainly big enough for all of us.
Monday, August 21, 2006
The last person without an iPod speaks.
I know that I am the last person in the world NOT to own an iPod, but so far, this fact hasn't bothered me much. I'm old enough now to have purchased certain musical treasures several times over: first on LP, then on 8-track, then on cassette, then again on cassette when the cassette wore out, then on CD. Now they want me to ante-up for buying my music piece by piece online, so I can stick it on my iPod. Or, I could spend countless hours "ripping" music from my CD's, like my friend.
iTunes launched with about 400,000 songs, and probably has upwards of more than a million songs on it today (just my guess).
My crystal ball says that in the future, we'll own it all. iTunes, that is. All of it will all reside in a handy dandy TerraPod that will dynamically update its own content. A good start would be to sell iPods pre-programmed, bundled thousands of songs.
Downloading songs to your iPod will be a quaint recollection of an old time inconvenience. "I remember back in the old days," you'll tell your grandchildren, "when we had to buy songs one at a time." Personally, I'm too busy to download and rip music (too busy blogging, that is).
As storage space continues to swell and compression can smash more and more bits into smaller spaces, you'll see this within five years if not sooner. If they won't give me every song, I'm willing to bet it'll be nearly every song that you'll ever want to listen to.
But there's too much content to fuss with. Mr. Jobs, make it easier for me to acquire content, and the last person who doesn't own an iPod may just have to relent.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Courts Rule For America, against Bush and NSA.
This is the case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union against the National Security Agency. ACLU argued that the surveillance program violates American's rights to free speech and privacy.
The judge ordered an immediate halt to the wiretapping program. Way to go, Judge.
U.S. District Judge Anna Diggs Taylor in Detroit is the first enlighted judge to preserve American's hard fought personal rights by striking down the National Security Agency's program, which she says violates the rights to free speech and privacy.
This does not mean that terrorists will evade surveillance. Rather, it means that Bush and NSA must simply follow the laws, and go through the FISA courts. This is the process that Congress put in place to prevent a president from assuming illegal powers. I'm convinced that it will not hinder the intelligence gathering capabilities of NSA in the least. All along, this has been about the limits of presidential powers, rather than an intelligence gathering enhancement.
Do not be deceived by lies that will be spewing predictably from George Bush's administration that this ruling is somehow a "victory" for terrorists. It's absolutely not. Nothing will change, other than Bush and NSA and the Republican congress must follow the law.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Al Qaeda's Latest Victory Over Bush, or... The Fantasy of Airliner Security
If you thought flying was hell last Wednesday, by last Thursday airline passengers found themselves in an even worse place. Just when travelers may say to themselves, "Well, at least airline travel can't get any worse," guess what? It did.
Married to a British wife, I have the pleasure of frequent travel to England (8 hours from here, direct, 13 hours from start to finish) with three kids, ages 7, 5 and 2. While the airlines have continued to cut back on comfort services (like beverages and food), we've of course been forced to bring our own.
On Thursday, the day that British officials announced the foiling of an evil plot to destroy midair up to ten American airlines enroute between Britian and the United States. Predictably, as they have done all along, Homeland Security imposed tighter after-the-fact restrictions on airline passengers, even as the terrorists have (if history is our guide) moved on to more nefarious plans. "Oh, well," a harried traveler said on TV while being interviewed in some major US airport, "If it makes us safer, then its a good thing."
Is it? And are we truly safer?
The U.S. Government is guilty of exposing the biggest weakness of our Democratic system. That is, that democracy only works when the governed trust the government. Bush's continued lies that the war on terror has made us a safer nation is ludicrous, and patriots have the duty to challenge this lie. The fact is, if the terrorists goal is to destroy America (I believe it is), then Al Qaeda doesn't even need to blow up airplanes. They only need to TRY to blow up airplanes. They only need to be ACCUSED of trying to blow up airplanes. I don't know if a link to Al Qaeda has been proven in this instance, but just for fun, lets say it has.
Al Qaeda knows that by provoking the U.S., George W.'s administration will, predictably, overreact, overreach, overcommit, overextend, and over indebt America, especially in this election year.
Al Qaeda knows that by sacrificing just 25 of their people in an operation that will likely have cost them less than a million dollars, they will provoke George W. into doing their work for them, which is to take away the Freedoms of the American people. They know that that by provoking George W., that the U.S. will probably now spend even more billions and billions and billions of dollars, forcing America spend its children's future by adding even more debt onto the unbelievable 7 trillion dollars that we owe, and which is casting doubt on the future of our children and aged.
Al Qaeda's genius is that they are using us against ourselves. By spending millions, they provoke us to spend trillions. They only need out-wait us: out-wait our pocket book, our national resolve, our ability to endure humiliating search, and our boiling anger at losting our precious civil rights.
So what should be done? Should we not try? Should we simply allow U.S. airliners to be blown up?
If the answer has to be yes or no, then my answer is... yes.
Let me try to explain quickly before the thought police whisk me away to a secret European prison or Guantanamo Bay.
The risk of dying in a terrorist attack continues to be miniscule. Bush and Homeland Security have blown the airliner trheat out of proportion for political gain by this U.S. administration.
According to the CDC, in a post 911 world, here are your lifetime odds for dying in certain types of situations:
1 in 55,928 of death by lightening
1 in 20,605 in your clothes igniting
1 in 10,455 of dying in your bathtub
1 in 10,010 by falling from a ladder or scaffolding
1 in 9,396 due to excessive heat
1 in 8,389 due to excessive cold
1 in 7,972 in a drowning accident
1 in 6,842 in a railway accident.
Now your odds of dying in a terrorist attack during your lifetime:
1 in 88,000 of a terrorist attack
1 in 1,500,000 of a terrorist-caused shopping mall disaster assuming one such incident a week and you shop two hours a week
1 in 55,000,000 in a terrorist-caused plane disaster assuming one such incident a month and you fly once a month ( 1 )
Wow! Dying in a terrorist cause plane disaster is a fairly rare occurrence, isn't it?
According to CDC, your lifetime odds of dying in a car accident are 1 in 81. This a MUCH greater risk than flying.
By making air travel so restrictive, so uncomfortable, so painful and unbearable, that millions of people will head for their cars instead of the skies, George Bush and Homeland Security will kill more Americans than Al Qaeda simply by scaring Americans out of airplanes.
The reason that I don't feel any safer on a plane today is that I know our security system is reactionary. Whatever butt-probe TSA is sticking up the ass of a traveler today, the terrorists have already found a way around it.
Lets not kid ourselves. Air travel is as dangerous today as it was last week before the British terror suspects were rounded up.
It's also just as safe.
George W. Bush, stop waging a campaign of lies on the American people to justify taking away their rights.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Battleground Minnesota: Advice to the Democrats
Let your centrists lead.
This election is not about big ideas.
I repeat:
This election NOT about big ideas.
It's about winning. Leave your big ideas at the door if you want to win.
Never, ever, ever use the word "Programs." Remove that word from your vocabulary.
And don't bitch about the economy. To the middle class, the economy is fine.
I want to hear my anger at George Bush and the Republican Congress articulated.
I want you to articulate my anger at rising gas prices, at the never ending slaughter of American troops in an ungrateful Iraq, at the scaling back of aid (not PROGRAMS) to middle class college students, at the Oil Mafia, at the lack of a comprehensive energy policy (tell me how you're going to move America toward renewable energy independence), at the high cost of small business self employment taxes, at the huge trade deficit with China, at the loss of jobs being outsourced to India, at the UNBELIEVABLE DEBT this country is leaving its children, at the Cronyism that lead to the Katrina relief debacle.
Do not -- I repeat -- DO NOT run on a platform. Run as an alternative to the corrupt Republican Administration. All you have to do is remind us why shouldn't vote Republic.
You can stuff your "programs." Remain calm. Remain centrist. And you can't lose.
Start bitching about gay marriage, minimum wage, universal healthcare.... start talking about Big Programs at a time when this country is running historic deficits (at this moment at $8.4 trillion, up more than $400 Billion since I last wrote about it), and you will lose independent voters.
I believe Independents can sway this election, and they want to vote democratic.
But if you want us, you need check your extreme left wing at the door.
And you better decide soon. The Republicans are rapidly moving to the center, as they always do, to try and grab centrist voters. This is always their plan: move rapidly left just before the election, and then strand the Independent middle class voters right after the election.
Democrats, if you do this correctly, you can once again enjoy majority party status.
Here in Minnesota, Republicans have brought some amazing talent to bear on the Senatorial campaign of Mark Kennedy. Goofy commercials showing his family is creating a "likeable guy" feeling among voters who don't know him. I've already seen at least 3 different Kennedy commericals introducing me to him. Here's what his commercials have told me thus far: Mark Kennedy is "willing to cross party lines," a "family man," and a "fun, likeable guy."
Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Amy has aired one commercial that I've seen. In it, she comes across as a tough bitch: pissed off about her hospital stay when she had her child. In fact, she was so pissed off that she (apparently singlehandedly) sued big business to get fair parental leave rights. Poor Amy: she's so put upon by big companies. Too bad everyone isn't as angry as mean ol' Amy, or they might vote for her.
Amy!!! Stop it!! Fire your campaign manager and start over immediately!! Do not be an angry bitch. Independent voters in Minnesota do not want a Sen. Amy Clinton from Minnesota (for God's sake, please don't bring her to Minnesota to campaign for you!!). Ok, we get it -- you're an angry tough woman from Minnesota who won't take crap in Washington. Now, what else??? Give me more, better reasons to vote for you. Talk about My children, not YOUR children.
Good luck Amy. I want you to win. It's early yet, but don't screw this up. There's too much at stake.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
When Evil Lurks: The Solution to the SearchAtHand DNS Hi-jacking Problem
I'm a fairly saavy internet user, so for SearchAtHand to by-pass my defenses and knowledge is darn sneaky. They've figured out a very effective way to hi-jack your browswer, by-pass your defenses, and frustrate internet users who would rather have default results returned by a more reputable search engine.
The symptoms:
For the past two weeks, I have not been able to log into certain websites that I frequent, including and because of 403 errors. I've had to log into these sites using an alternate computer, which has been inconvenient to say the least. I tried re-setting my browser to its factory settings, but to no avail.
My first clue that my DNS settings had been pirated should have been when my "default search" settings in my browser started showing up as something called
Whenever I misspelled a domain name, SearchAtHand wanted to handle my search.
Weird things would also happen -- such as trying to get to a website, and being "routed" someplace else.
After anti-spyware scans (eTrust) and anti-virus scans (Windows Defender) turned up nothing, I started suspecting a trojan application. Searches on Google turned up very little about SearchAtHand.
Eventually I found what I needed with the help of MSN search (note to Google: you better start providing results that are more fresh: your stale results are regularly and frequently pushing me toward MSN, where the results are much more fresh. Google seems to be about 6 to 12 months behind MSN, but thats another blog).
On MSN, I came across this tutorial at Free Security Tools that tells me how to remove SearchAtHand's DNS Settings. I recommend it. It worked for me. I won't re-hash it here since they did a nice job with screenshots and everything else.
I have no idea how SearchAtHand got its claws into my computer. Somewhere, on some page, something misleading was downloaded, perhaps as an activeX control. I just don't know.
Watch out for Adware or spyware removal companies claim to be marketing a solution to this specific problem that don't work. The best way is to remove it yourself, for free. You shouldn't have to pay to fix what someone else has broken.
And as for you SearchAtHand, this will catch up with you eventually. Evil is as evil does (Forrest Gump).
-- UPDATE: XoftSpy anti-vir by Parreto Logic will now uninstall SearchAtHand. I verified this fact directly with their support dept. If for some reason your SAH variant is not removed, they will work with you directly to solve it. You can download it here. Let me know how it works!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Purple Martin's, Part 3
It wasn't for trying this year, and we actually came close. If I hadn't made a tactical blunder, we may have fledged some Martin's.
By early June, we had not had any Martin's take up residence. I decided to allow a pair of Tree Swallows to nest. I grew to respect the swallows: they fought very hard against the sparrow's to establish their territory (I helped a little by trapping and disposing of nearly 50 sparrows). In short order a nest was built, and they wasted no time laying 6 eggs (5 of which hatched and fledged). The swallows are nice birds, in my opinion. They are wonderfully acrobatic and fun to watch. They don't seem to mind people, and put up with my lowering and peering into their nest. They don't make as nice a sound as Martin's, but they're still nice birds.
About a week after they laid their eggs, a young pair of Martin's wanted in. For nearly 2 weeks (into late June) they tried hard to build a nest, but the aggressiveness of the Tree Swallows eventually wore the Martin's down and they took off.
The Tree Swallows fledged very quickly. One day they were in their nest, chattering for food. The next day they were gone. We never even saw them go. They didn't say goodbye. And now I'm an empty nester, and actually feeling a little sad. We really enjoyed our tree swallows.
I've left the nest up, and occassionally I see some young Martin's checking it out. Its too late to start a nest this year, but hopefully they're scouting locations for next season.
Next year we'll try for Martin's again. I have a feeling though, that next year I'll be trying to scare off tree swallows as well as sparrows.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Murder of Iraqi Family Reveals the Worst and Best of the US Military
As I've noted before, war reveals the worst of human nature. War can turn the nice kid next door into a brutal murderer. These US soliders who conspired in this crime, if convicted, will certainly deserve the harshest penalty possible.
The only grace that I see in this situation is that it was discovered. Someone revealed the secret. Someone else took the revelation seriously, and now the "system" appears to be working. While I America is disgusted, abhorred and embarassed by these murderers, I am also hopeful that this crime and any others will be harshly prosecuted and that some justice will prevail.
Yet this same military and George Bush's government must take a piece of the blame for these murders. The process of dehumanizing the Iraqi people was handed down from the top. Abu Ghraib was one of the purest manifestations of this dehumanization. The rape and murder of this woman, whose only crime was to be beautiful, and her family, is simply the latest manifestation, and probably not the last.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Kerry's Hollow Moral Victories will Kill the DNC
Because I've contributed a few bucks to a few Democratic causes, now John Kerry thinks he and I are great friends, and he doesn't hesitate to contact me and tell me about all his empty moral victories on Capital Hill. Lately he's been a very busy, moral guy.
As the Republicans have moved insanely to the right in turning America into a frightening police state, I want to believe that the Democrats can provide some kind of a leadership alternative. Though I hear many people speaking for the party, no one seems to be on the same page. At least that's how it's being received on this laptop.
Let's be clear, Democrats. If you want to recapture Congress, you have to be able to do what the Republicans are trying desperately to do right now -- control your fringe.
That means...
- Gay marriage is gonna have to wait.
- Flag burning -- who gives a crap -- shut up on that one. No one loves a flag burner, so screw 'em.
- Abortion -- to decide this issue, all we need to do is elect one more Republican administration. Lay it on the line for America.
- Minimum Wage -- push to bring the minimum wage to $6, where it would be if ajdusted for inflation ($7.25 was just too much too soon). Any more will scare off us small business people who can't afford to pay more.
- War in Iraq --be careful: America has a lot invest in this war, and we don't come across like a bunch of cut and run pansies.
- The Environment -- YES!! Go get'em on the environment. King Bush just created the biggest marine sanctuary in the world, and what have you done?
- The Deficit -- YES!! Go get'em. THIS is a major concern. Say something, do something.
- Alternative Engery -- YES!! Tell us about your plan. How will move us away from middle east oil?
- Health Care -- YES, talk about how unfair the current system is. We're ready to hear about the "Two America's now. Talk about how it puts US businesses at a competitive disadvantage.
- Immigration --- YES, talk about how we need an immigration policy that is good for America, that Citizenship should not be cheapened by just handing it out at the border.
- Privacy -- Yes, this speaks to me. Americans have fought for hundreds of years to retain and preseve our freedoms, and King Bush "secretly" taken them from us. Promise to restore our sense of dignity and privacy.
John Kerry seems to be very pleased with his "moral" victories. In his email, he said, "Just hours ago, the Senate voted on the Kerry-Feingold proposal to redeploy American combat troops out of Iraq by July 1, 2007. Thirteen Senators voted for it." He said that he would have pushed this issue and voted for it, even if the vote was certain to go down in a 98-2 defeat.
The Democrats have got to be careful with this kinds of antics. It may play to the Democratic base, but to Independents like me, it just looks like more stupid pet tricks.John Kerry may have won a fabulous moral victory today. I'm glad he sees the silver lining in showcasing the divisiveness and ineffectualness of the Democratic party. However, voters might remember this ineffectualness this fall. Ineffectualness makes me want to stay the course, not pursue more ineffectualness.
The Democrats also seem very pleased with their results in the San Diego run-off election earlier this month, where Republicans maintained control of their house seat. After that election failure, my pal Howard Dean (or as I like to call him, "YEEE-Haw") emailed me. He spoke of this great moral victory, in which the Republicans were forced to spend upwards of $100 per registered voter in order to retain the seat.
If providing ineffectual leadership in the Senate is John Kerry's idea of victory, and if making the Republicans pay more to win elections is Howard Dean's idea of victory....
then God help the Democratic party in November.
In his email, John Kerry personally told me, "It's our job to provide a new vision that offers real security for America while giving the Iraqis their best chance for a stable Iraq."
That's right, John. So WHAT THE HELL IS IT?? America is still waiting.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Is Big Brother Here?
Friday, May 05, 2006
King George and Barron Von Kennedy -- Currying Police Privilege for the Political Elite
I'm very troubled by the ongoing trend in America to send political "dynasties" to Washington, DC. No matter to me whether it's a conservative dynasty, like George W. and Jeb riding their dad's coat tails to political prominence, or whether its a liberal dynasty, like we're about to see with Hillary running for office, or as we continue to see with the Kennedy family.
Political dynasties, especially those that have been around for awhile, create American royalty. Unlike Hollywood-fame royalty, political royalty does curries political protectionism.
Here's the latest example of why I hate political dynasties.,,11069-2167886,00.html
Here we have Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy's drunk driving crime being covered up by the police. After contacting their supervisors, patrol officers were ordered NOT to administer a breathalizer exam to PK. They certainly would have administered such an exam to you and I. But most certainly because of political connections, it was not.
In America, royal titles are not conveyed, and seats in Congress can not be inherited as they are in Britain's house of Lords. Let's not forget that.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Purple Martins, part 2
It seems like every experience our family has had with pets or wildlife has ended in tears (usually the kids, not me). Allow me to reminisce.
There was Tinkerbell the cat.
There was the fish (intended to replace the cat) that canibalized the baby fish.
There were the frog tad poles that hatched then died last month (I didn't tell you about that one, either).
There was the "pet worm" my eldest boy loved and treasured for about 2 hours, before it broke apart in his hands, sending him bawling to me (luckily, I found a worm that looked identical to the one that passed away, and was able to convince them that I "super glued" it back together).
And last year there were the Purple Martins who were slaughtered by sparrows.
We've decided to try and attract Purple Martins again. We put the house up a week ago, and immediately sparrows claimed it.
This year, I am fighting back against the sparrows. I've purchased a re-setting trap and placed it near the Martin house. I sprinkled a little cracked corn. Within a day, I had captured (and promptly dispatched) no less than eight sparrows.
I have noticed a young Martin male (or males, who can tell) visiting the house. With a little luck, this year's Purple Martin story will have a happier ending than last year. A sad ending for a sparrow is a great start for a Purple Martin.
Feeling "Bushamed"
Bu·sham·edThe feeling of being ashamed to be an American because of how George W. Bush is conducting himself in office.
Bu·sham·e, Bu·sham·ing
"After the president's speech which promised more of the same failed policies, I was too bushamed to fly to London for the meeting."
See Also: Abu Gharib, NSA Spy Scandal, China Trade Deficit, Big Oil and Gas Prices, Keeping the Peace in Iraq, Capture Bin Laden, Chaney Shoots Senior, Hurricane Katrina, "Heckuva Job Brownie!", US Energy Prices
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Albright Can Crush You Like A Little Walnut!
Holy Cow! I thought that was impressive. Then I saw a recent photo of her; every time she gets out of a chair, her legs have to press about 300 lbs anyway. What's another 100 lbs?
Read about it here.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
McClellan Out, as Bush tries to appear to be a leader
McClellan hasn't done a very good job communicating for the President lately, but then again, who could have done a better job given the poor material?
Whatever, it's been painful to watch McClellan stand in front of reporters trying to deflect bullets with a paper shield. As a discredited symbol of a failed Presidential administration, McClellan had to go. Perhaps, as a parting service to the president, his departure will finally make Bush appear decisive.
We called for Bush to fire McClellan way back when he gaffed explaining the VP's shooting a senior citizen. McClellan thought that was a laughing matter. This time, however, its Bush who fired and McClellan who will be picking buckshot out of his ass. Finally, Bush gives us something to laugh about.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Nuke Iran, part II
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Nuking Iran, or A Case for A Global Government
How about Nuking Iran? GWB has refused to take that option off of the table, but its unlikely the UNSC would endorse that idea. So will the United States again throw itself into the self-appointed role of the world's policeman, and act unilaterally to make the world a safer place for democracy, liberty, and American Interests? It's likely.
But step way, way way back, and take a long hard look at your world. What's really going on here?
Beyond the oil and religeon, what we're seeing is the continued breakdown of the old world order. For thousands of years, people have organized into sovereign geopolitical units, inside of which whatever happened was their business. But in 2006, the world is much smaller than it was in 1006, or in 6 A.D. It's just not that simple anymore: what happens inside of one geopolitical unit can have profound implications for others, whether enviornmentally, socially, economically, or militarily.
As scary as it sounds, humanity needs a global government. Just harboring this thought flags one as an idiot (so I have nothing to lose), and you will never ever here anyone credible express this idea.
There's many powerful reasons as to why this will not come to pass soon:
- Nationalism: Right-winger's won't have it because it would mean subjugation of America's might.
- Christian's won't have it because they're waiting for Jesus to return and have fears of the anti-Christ.
- Lefties won't have it because it would mean continued "globalization."
- Muslim's won't have it unless its a global Islamic state
- We're all afraid of plummeting standards of living if borders were stripped away.
But the potential benefits of a United Federation of Earth (call it whatever you want) shouldn't be ignored. If "all options are the on the table", then the long term social evolution of our species toward a global security instituion should also be an option.
Is it really such a crazy idea? The European Union is blazing the way, showing how nationalism can be set aside for the greater good of the national. We can start with a currency, and by strengthening some of the UN's institutions and the World Court, eventually integrating the militaries under a global command.
Until the world has credible global court (free from any American 'veto') capable of enforcing its decisions, a place where geopolitical units and can go to mediate their disputes in a binding way, we will always have the spectre of invading rouge nations. As long as any nation fears for is survival and harbors nuclear ambitions in order to obtain respect and secure its self survival, we will never have a save world.
Which is perhaps another way of stating that even if we do project American power in the form nuking Iran, we will still not have a safer world.