Friday, September 29, 2006

E85/Ethanol: What do we do now?

Bush has said that a priority of his next two years will be focusing on energy independence, pricipally through supporting the distribution of E85, a blended fuel containing 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline.

Distribution of E85 has been hampered because only a small fraction of the nation's gas stations sell the mainstay E85 fuel (85% ethanol; 15% gasoline). The number has been slowly rising, but today, only 1,000 out of 170,000 gas stations stock E85, according to the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition.

Additionally, there is not enough E85 fuel to meet the demand even if E85 were to be widely available.

A better approach would be to blend Ethanol into gasoline, say E15 or E20. Such mixtures would still help cut emissions, could be run in virtually any automobile (not just E85-capable engines), and would generate an immediate market that would boost production of the fuel. No longer would distribution be holding back the production of E85. Such a blending would consume all of the presently available Ethanol supply.

If Mr. Bush is serious, then a national law requiring E15 or E20 blended gasoline would get the ball rolling immediately for the Ethanol industry.

Additionally, we need to make sure that the production of Ethanol does not deplete our valuable fresh water sources, such as the dwindling Ogalala aquifer that runs through the central U.S. plains. Production of E85 needs to move forward using technologies and methods that, unlike corn, do not consume tremendous amounts of fresh water.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bush has it wrong - first duty is to the Constitution

George Dubya has it wrong.

He said today that his most important duty is to "protect Americans."


His most important duty is to protect and uphold the constitution of the United States of America.

Make no doubt about it -- this year's election is absolutely crucial to the moral compass of America, and to the viability of the U.S. constitution.

Don't buy into Bush's lies: we do not have to turn America into a police state, nor a state that exports torture to other countries.

To stand-up for the constitution, and core-American values is not a vote for a weak America, as El Presidente would have you believe. Standing up against the President's relentless assault on the Constitution is brave, patriotic thing to do. To standup to Bush's power-grab is to fight for an America that is once again both feared, AND respected.

I am not willing to trade the freedoms of the U.S. Constitution for the false sense of security being offered by George W. Neither should you.

God help us if this guy appoints another Supreme Court Justice.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Oil Mafia Lowers Gas Prices in Time For Election, Trying to Help Republicans

Remember when $2 gas was pricy? It wasn't very along ago.

For now, the U.S. oil mafia apparently has reaped enough profit. Apparently, they think they've squeezed just about all the blood they can out of the American turnip for the moment. 

After posting incredible record quarterly profits, pump prices are coming down all across America.

Just in time for the elections.  Gee, what a coincidence!  

It's also perfect timing to try and stave off investments that are being made in alternative fuels and high mileage vehicles.

Don't be fooled (or fueled) by the oil mafia, who have full access to the White House and who help this administration set "energy policy" behind closed doors, and who want to flood the pristine Alaska wilderness with more leaky pipelines!

As soon as the elections are over, expect the oil companies to introduce you to $4 gas.



Mark Kennedy goes negative

Mark Kennedy, the Republican senatorial candidate vying for Sen. Mark Dayton's seat from Minnesota, has gone negative.  Earlier I commented on his political advertising, which focused on his likeability factor.

Since then, Mark Kennedy has become less likeable.  Mark Kennedy has gone negative.  

In his TV advertising, we now see "fuzzy" pictures of Amy K., suggesting that she changes her positions on the issues regularly.  On radio, a "humorous" Kennedy ad uses a phony phone call to Amy K's campaign headquartes, where the caller must navigate a confusing array of political positions.

As likeable as Mark Kennedy was  in his introductory ads, he is quickly revealing his true negative nature.  Apparently Mark isn't likeable enough, and strategists have told him that he needs to go negative.

I love the radio ad where it says that Amy is against big oil raping the American public with high gas prices, but that Amy apparently at one time or another owned some shares in a mutual fund that owned shares of an oil company.  Big deal -- do you know all of the 100's of stocks that you own right now in your 401K mutual funds?  

These negative ads by Mark Kennedy are good news for Amy K., because Mark is coming across as a big jerk, far from the likeable guy that we originally saw.

Keep it up, Mark!

I'm Scott, and I approve this message.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Republicans Covering Their Asses, In Case They Lose Election says that this week, the Senate will vote on whether to pardon President Bush for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans.

According to Senator Leahy, the bill would "...immunize officials who have violated federal law by authorizing such illegal activities."

President Bush broke the law, and courts are starting to agree. Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter once said the program was illegal "on its face." But he has now caved to pressure from Vice President Cheney, and introduced legislation that marks a new low: the new bill justifies everything the president did illegally. Worse, it makes it legal to wiretap Americans, in secret, without warrants or oversight, whenever the administration wants to.

So far, Democrats and some Republicans are holding strong against the bill, and there are good chances to stop it if enough of us speak up. has started a opposing the Republican move to pardon President Bush for breaking the law?

Many legal experts agree that the president's program to wiretap Americans who have nothing to do with terrorism violates the law. President Bush already has the authority to wiretap suspected terrorists—and we support that. In fact, his administration can tap anyone it likes as long as it gets an OK from a court a few days later.

Congress should be trying to hold him accountable—that's their job. Instead, some Republicans are trying to let President Bush off the hook completely. In fact, the legislation would give the president even more unchecked power.

It's unbelievable what the Republican Party will try to justify in the name of "Fighting Terrorism." They try to paint people who want to preserve Americans hard earned civil rights as "with the terrorists."

If America descends into a dictatorship, this is EXACTLY how it will happen. Beware of politicians who ask you to surrender your rights to them, in return for "security."

It blows my mind, because I once called myself a Republican. But now, clearly, the Republican Party is more concerned about covering it's ass and protecting its criminal leaders than it is in protecting the rights of Americans.

Democrats, I'm going to vote for you this year. But DO NOT let us down!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Marriage can be a great, but it takes work.

I am a very fortunate man. For more than ten years, I've enjoyed the blessings of a strong marriage, with trust and love.

Along the way I've seen friends divorce, and I've seen the toll its taken on them personally, their wife and kids.

Each day, I resolve to do whatever I can to keep my marriage strong. That means taking things one day at a time. Strategies that I have specifically used during the past decade that I think have helped include:

Not going to bed angry. Being willing to forgive and forget, even though I might be right. Avoiding temptation. Going to church together. Doing my part around the house (or whatever it takes). Hanging out with other couples with healthy marriages. Putting the toilet lid down (no kidding! Making time for each other, and getting out together for some fun. Taking all the kids once in a while so she can have some time to decompress or shop. Showing her my appreciation when she's not expecting it. If life should be better, it should be better for all of us, not just one of us.

I'm lucky that I met a great woman. She's a terrific mother, earns a good income, works hard, is faithful and reliable. I love her very much, and I want to keep her happy.

This hasn't been easy, though. It's truly something that I work at every day. It's hard work, but the rewards are worth it.

I can't say that something might not happen out of the blue, or that I'll fail somewhere along the way. Maybe we won't be married ten years hence. But today, I'm making plans for our future. I visualize being with her for the rest of my live. I see us taking fun vacations, saving for retirement, moving into a new house some day. Today we love each other, and today I'll work to make this marriage a relationship she'll value and want to continue in.

I love being married to my wife, and I'm glad that my kids have both of their parents meddling in their lives.

If marriage isn't working for you, I'm sorry. I hope it works out. I don't know what I can really say to you. Just know that it can be wonderful.
If you and I are not in the same place with our marriages, I encourage you to check out this article from AllProDad. Maybe you can find some good ideas here:

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Real Americans are now standing up to the Bush Administration's "immoral" tactics

AP reported that a rebellious Senate committee defied President Bush today and approved terror-detainee legislation he has vowed to block, deepening Republican conflict over a key issue in the middle of congressional campaigns.

Colin Powell has turned on the Bush Administration, and joined the revolting Republicans. Powell wrote, "The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism. To redefine Common Article 3 would add to those doubts. Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk."

Powell is wrong.

The world is not BEGINNING to doubt America's morality. It has now for years.

Thank God that at least a few brave Republicans love America so much, that they will incur the rath of this corrupt political party, and would seek to distance themselves from the illegal policies of a Presidential Administration seemingly bent on creating an a police state dictatorship.

Screw the terrorists. I don't care if they ever see the light of day. But I insist that the rule of law prevail.

Islamists pick on the Pope, Refuse Dialog

Poor Pope.

He's taking a beating today from Islamists who say he is "racist" and "fanning hatred." The dispute stems from his speech earlier today, in which he quoted a Byzantine Emperor who said, "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

UPI reported that Benedict said "I quote" twice to stress the words were not his and added that violence was "incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul".

Rather than using the microphone the Pope gave them to join him in a dialge and to deplore the violence of Islamic extremists, the usual spokesmen for Islam simply rattled off the same old tired garbage about how misunderstood poor ol' Mohammad is.

Once again extremist Islam is revealed as a violent, enraged, obsolete and uncivilized perversion of this great religeon, while moderates reform adherents sit quietly on their hands, perhaps out of fear.

Even with 100 more years of Oil, Saudis are no friend of America.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Abdallah S. Jum'ah, chief executive of Saudi Arabian state-owned Saudi Aramco, the world's largest oil company by production is arguing that the world has more than a century's worth of crude left at current production rates. Clearly interested in heading off any developments that would hasten alternative energy sources, the Saudi's just wanted us to know that we've got at least 100 more years worth of oil.

What he didn't say was that the continuation of the oil economy is in the sole best interests of the oil barons. They don't seem to get it --- from my perspective, the problem is not concerns with the amount of oil, but a) oil is a dirty, filthy technology that pollutes our environment, and b) we're fighting wars over oil. Oh, and C) how much longer is the cruel, corrupt Saudi Regime going to last, and what happens then?

America needs energy independence. We once declared our freedom from England, it's now time to declare our independence from Saudi Arabia. Why should we continue to funnel TRILLIONS of dollars to the Saudi Royal Family, while they continue to promote Wahabbism, which is bent on America's destruction?

Only the Saudi's, George Bush and his right-wing extremist followers haven't figured out that the Oil Economy is an evil force all around, and we must for the sake of the world, derive our energy from clean, renewable resources that are under our control.

Only then will America be free from the tyrranny and terror, and environmental degradation that the Oil Barons seem to relish inflicting on us.

"Hey Don't worry about Oil, America! There's lots of it!!" The Saudi's are truly out of touch with the American people.

Hopefully the Japanese will help liberate America. They're not an oil producing nation, so what the heck do they care if they sell electric cars or hybrids or fuel cells --- they don't care. The Japanese automakers "get" America in ways that American automakers have never understood. The Japanese just want to give American's what they want.

And right now, more and more Americans want a country that's free from oil.

Screw the Saudi's. They are no friends of America.